| CHRISTMAS PRIZEAPOLOOZA 2019 | Jenny Webber Nutrition

Jenny Webber Nutrition is a great little business that more people need to know about! She offers nutrition consulting as well as food education for children and adults.

Jenny is a University qualified Nutritionist and Food Technologist. She says that unfortunately the industry isn’t government regulated and therefore anyone can call themselves a Nutritionist. But, she is registered with the Nutrition Society of Australia and only those with qualifications such as hers can do so. This is assurance that Jenny know her science and will only provide you with the latest scientifically proven advice.

In 2020 Jenny is launching her very own program, Sprout Food and Nutrition Education. This amazing program is aimed at children aged from 2 to 6 years, with further programs to be released for primary school aged children in the near future. It is a hands on food and nutrition education program in Child Care Centres, Early Learning Centres and also private classes (to be announced in the new year). The program is centered around teaching children to have a positive relationship with food in a fun environment with their peers. The reason this program has been designed is that in the latest HealthStats records for NSW (2017-18) it showed that only 9% of children aged 2 to 8 years were consuming enough fruit and vegetables. Research shows that getting children involved in a fun and interactive environment to learn and experience new foods enhances fruit and vegetable intake.

If you want to start 2020 in a better way the get in contact with Jenny today:

| Phone: 0400 850 445 |

| Email: info@jennywebbernutrition.com |

| Website: http://www.jennywebbernutrition.com |

| Facebook: @JennyWebberNutrition |


Jenny Webber Nutrition is offering one lucky nester a Sprout Apron and a Free Initial Consultation for Nutrition Consulting (valued at $120) – consultation is not redeemable until after 13th January but has expiry 12 months.

Plus, Jenny Webber Nutrition is a proud affiliate of Foost. Foost’s vision is to make meal and snack times more colourful. They are the creators of ‘Positive Food Education’. Foost has inspired over 37,000 people to be healthier’. Foost have kindly donated a book set and kids safety knife!

Note: Jenny Webber Nutrition use Foost products in their Sprout education programs – *Sprout education programs are designed independent to Foost*

Jenny is also offering all participants 10% off Foost products using the code ‘sprout10’ in the shopping cart.

To be in the running all you have to do is be a ‘liker’ of Jenny Webber Nutrition AND Foost as well as The Central Nest’s facebook page and like the ORIGINAL competition post on our facebook page.

Remember to ‘tag’ a friend and ‘share’ the post for an additional entry.

Winner will be drawn prior to Christmas 2019.

To see the full terms and conditions go here -> The Central Nest Christmas Prizeapolooza 2019 terms and conditions

{To do} January Workshops for the kids – overseen by the dinosaurs

So Christmas has been and gone and the little birdies are bored, how about a holiday workshop with the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum located in Bathurst?

Your little birds will learn all sorts of crazy things, from creepy crawly facts to how to make a sun print photograph!

It is cheap as lunch; $12.00 and designed for little birds aged between 7 & 13.

january workshops

Booking are essential so contact the fossil crew on 6331 5511

Happy learning Nesters!

{do this} Learn a new trick at the Fox & Willow workshops

The fabulous peeps over at Fox & Willow will be hosting two workshops next weekend – Saturday 30th November and Sunday 31st November if you are looking for a little pre-Christmas inspiration.

The first workshop will feature Natural Pampering Recipes for you and your home. Fox & Willow will teach you how to make scrubs, bath teas and room sprays; using simple ingredients in your pantry & garden.

natural scrubs workshop

The second will include ‘The Art of Gift Wrapping’ (just in time for Christmas!). The team will teach you how to wrap like a goddess using items found at home & in the garden.

gift wrapping

Plus, because everyone loves a little show and tell you can take home with you a sample of each product you create on the day & a recipe collection of ideas.

Cost: $60.00 each or $100.00 for both days.

If you want some more information regarding the workshops you can email the team at: foxandwillowstudio@gmail.com

Happy learning Nesters!

Need a tutor?

Are you looking for a tutor in the Bathurst area for your little birdies?

Photo source: Pinterest

Photo source: Pinterest

Darelle Jackson is a mother of two and a primary teacher. She is offering all subject tutoring Monday – Friday afternoons.

She charges $25.00/half hour or $40.00 for an hour.

If you are interested contact her on 0411 141 199

Happy learning little nesters!