{Girl Crush Tuesday} The hilarious Celeste

We have some pretty hard girl crushes. These are the types of ladies that stamp their style on the world. They are the type of people that will always be remembered and little girls grow up wanting to be. They are women of substance. Women that make the world a better place. Happy Girl Crush Tuesday everybody.line4Today’s girl crush is on the hilariously brilliant Celeste Barber.

Author. Comedian. Artist. Actor. Deadset Legend.

You will probably know Celeste best from her photographs that have spread across all newsfeeds recently. She is that brilliant lady who copies those completely ridiculous images of the rich people doing wanky rich people things and puts a normal person in the same context. The result are hilarious!

More than her brilliant snaps she has also made numerous appearances on Home & Away, Have You Been Paying Attention and Studio 10.

She is witty and doesn’t take herself too seriousness and we like that in a girl crush.

The ability to be brave in your own body is a powerful message and we salute you today Mrs Barber.
