{The Nest Can Cook} How to get your little birds to eat

The little ones they need to eat, but often they are, well, turds about it.

I know my toddler-bird would live on hot chips and fairy bread if given half a chance.

This article from the team at I Quit Sugar gives some great ideas on How To Get Your Kid To Eat Like A Grown Up.

I have to admit, since encouraging (and being more patient) with the toddler-bird in the kitchen she is much more willing to try new foods!eat

Have a read, you won’t regret it.

Happy eating Nesters x


{Christmas Prizeapolooza} Perfectly Piped deliciousness = the sweetest giveaway

There is a new cake-maker on the block and you better start paying attention!

Perfectly Piped is locally owned and operated by lovely husband/wife duo Tara Campanaro and Sam Gibb.cake

What started only a short time ago (March 2014) has developed into this wildly popular product that you will find at all the local markets.

The business is growing so quickly that you can also find Perfectly Piped deliciousness at Johnny Bean Good Drive-Thru Coffee Chop on Durham Street, Bathurst and Pick of the Bunch Florist in Oberon.perfectly piped

Offering a wide range of services including customised cakes and floral designs, I recommend you put Perfectly Piped on your speed dial now!

The best, sneaky thing about Perfectly Piped is the delightfully scrumptious flavours, in fact, I can personally recommend the little cheesecakes in a jar! They make the ideal gift (or even better a present to yourself from yourself!)

Why not grab some scrumptious sweetness for your loved ones this Christmas?


| Phone 0432 966 191 |

| Email perfectlypolished19@hotmail.com |

| Facebook www.facebook.com/perfectlypipedcupcakes |


Perfectly Piped’s Tara and Sam have generously donated to one VERY lucky Nester four (4) deliciously delightful cheesecakes in jars.

For you chance to win all you have to do is head over to Facebook and like The Central Nest, the competition post on the The Central Nest‘s Facebook  and be a ‘liker’ of Perfectly Piped. EASY!

(Remember for an additional entry ‘tag’ a friend!)

Prize will be drawn 5pm 21 December 2014

Bento lunch for you?

These days there is so much pressure on parents to make sure your children eat a well-rounded and balanced diet.

Photo source: Bentolicious

Maybe what has changed is the fact that unlike 20 years ago when a honey sandwich on white bread was the norm, parents are expected to know the latest ‘super foods’, the average quantities of white sugar in processed items and how to cook quinoa. Plus there is the ongoing struggle of fussy children with stubborn tastebuds.

Essential Kids recently put out an interesting concept -> Could Bento Style Lunches be the Key to Health Kids?

“Bento” traditionally originating from Japan contains rice, protein and vegetables arranged in a box shaped container. This trend has slowly been sliding into the western world and is becoming quite a fashionable way to prepare school lunches.

From my experience little birds love choosing food, touching it, helping prepare it. Maybe Bento lunch boxes could be the answer?bentolicious

If you need some amazing Bento style inspiration check out Bentolicious (she is amazing!)

It is important to remember that according to the NSW Government approximately 60% of children are not eating a sufficient amount of fruit and vegetables everyday.

Are your little birds eating enough fruit and vegetables? Maybe making your children’s food a little more interesting could help?

Here is a graph of the NSW government daily serve recommendations for children:

Age Fruit Vegetables
4-7 1-2 2-4
8-11 1-2 3-5
12-18 3-4 4-9






Note: One serve of fruit is 150 grams (equal to 1 medium-sized apple; 2 smaller pieces (e.g. apricots); 1 cup of canned or chopped fruit; ½ cup (125ml) 99% unsweetened fruit juice; or 1½ tablespoons dried fruit). One serve of vegetables is 75 grams (equal to ½ cup cooked vegetables; 1 medium potato; 1 cup of salad vegetables; or ½ cup cooked legumes (dried beans, peas or lentils).

Happy healthy eating little Nesters!