{Girl Crush Tuesday} Queen Constance

We have some pretty hard girl crushes. These are the types of ladies that stamp their style on the world. They are the type of people that will always be remembered and little girls grow up wanting to be. They are women of substance. Women that make the world a better place. Happy Girl Crush Tuesday everybody.line4Today we salute the powerhouse that is Constance Hall.

A blogger, writer and delightful over-sharer Constance breaks down the boundaries like no other. Her insights into parenting, marriage and life in general are remarkable and well, honest. She lets women everywhere know that they are not alone.

Not only does she write brilliant (and often hilarious) posts, but she uses her overwhelming social media pedestal for good. She raised over $150,000.00 in just one day to help the charity, Rafiki Mwema that helps abused women in Kenya. There aren’t many people with the cult following that Constance enjoys who would use their social media power for such a good and selfless cause.

Constance wants every single women to know they are Queens and together we can support each other.

She fights the good fight.

She has written a book so read that.

She has a website, so visit that.

She is a downright legend who reminds us all to live your best life, regardless of what cards you have been dealt.

Thanks Con for letting my little girls know it is okay to be brave in the everyday.


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