Week 42 of 2018 – A review

It’s hard to keep up with what has happened in the last week – so here is your cheat guide for the week’s biggest stories.


So cousin of the famous ones, Eugenie (pronounced “yoo-juh-nee”) got hitched this week. She married a fella named Jack Brooksbank who works for the tequila brand that George Clooney is part of.

Eugenie looked AHMAZING. Legit the most beautifully dressed royal to date IMO.


1) Peter Pilotto and Christopher De Vos crafted the bridal gown and followed Princess Eugenie’s request to make a feature of her scoliosis scars. She had an operation at 12 and has two steel rods in her spine.

2) The Zac Posen gown was an absolute showstopper.

FUN FACT: She is currently 9th in line to the throne.


Abortion will now become legal in Queensland after the state’s parliament voted to erase a 119-year-old “morality” section of the state’s criminal code and instead introduce new changes allowing a woman to abort her unborn child up until 22 weeks gestation.

Apparently it will require the agreement/authorisation of two doctors.

To read more check this out – The Guardian – Queensland Abortion Law Reform

FACT: It was a conscious vote in Parliament and the end result was a vote of 51-40.


A new shiny pineapple will hit your wallet soon.

The new and improved fiddys have a sweet new tactile feature that allow people with no or low vision to use the $50 note more confidently. 4939272100000578-5393275-image-a-3_1518653651144

FUN FACT: The new note features portraits of Aboriginal writer and inventor, David Unaipon, and Australia’s first female member of parliament, Edith Cowan.


If you have a kid, or even know a kid about the age of 12 you will have heard of Fortnite.

This little entrepreneurial fella named Brandon Lucas ran a YouTube channel (with some 1.7 million subscribers) showing cheats for the game.

The makers of the game, Epic Games are pissed, so are suing him. fortnite-servers-1024x576

FACT: Apparently 40 million people play every single month!


Hazza and Megz have found themselves in the land down-under. They have been spruiking all things royal and charming and have even announced that their is a little gingernut in the oven.

The ginernut is due in Spring (actually autumn for us because we’re up-side-down-under) r0_0_800_600_w1200_h678_fmax

They kicked off their trip in Sydney catching zeds at Admiralty House (in case someone asks Admiralty House is the official posh place that the Governer-General resides when in Sydney – it overlooks Sydney Harbour).

They opened a new exhibit at the Zoo as well as heading to the Opera House.

They then went to Dubbo and bought the pommy rains with them, single-handedly making it look like we had been harping on about the drought for no good reason, but when you look closer you can see through the tiny shimmer of green dashed across the lawns.

Haz gave a brilliant speech about the importance of seeking help when struggling with mental health. He really showed again what a champion he is. a74abcd14a6e635ecee3f2bb41d46ee3

Fun fact: Megz baked bread at Admiralty House to take with her to Dubbo to share with some of the locals #WhatAStar #NeverTurnUpInTheCountryEmptyHanded

If you’re keen to try her bread here’s a link – The Tig Life Changing Bread (I hear she added choc chips and ginger)

Team Sussex will now head to Melbourne to continue their adventure.

See you next week!



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