{DISCUSS: Boys will be boys} A Peter Alexander controversy.


This Peter Alexander Sleepwear Pj shirt has been pulled from shelves for being offensive. Where do you sit? Are you offended?

peter alnexander


I think boys will be boys.

‘Boys’ does not have a definitive description in our home. Much like the term ‘Girls’. 

At the crux of it, biology makes boys and girls different. It is undeniable, there is an intrinsic difference due to chromosomes. You can’t argue that.

To me, the term ‘boys will be boys’ isn’t limiting boys to one behaviour or attitude. A boy (by biology) will act as a boy. He may play with trucks, dirt and enjoy fart jokes OR he may like making clothes or listening to Kylie Minogue music or kissing other boys. Boys will be boys, without an encapsulating definition of it. Girls will also be girls in which ever way they choose to define it.

Isn’t that the true beauty, knowing that boys will be boys and girls will be girls but no one tells boys or girls how to act.

If we are seeking gender equality then shouldn’t we just accept that boys and girls get to choose how to be boys and girls? By pulling this shirt from the shelves I believe the company is simply enforcing the idea that you are limited by your gender. If boys can’t be boys, what can they be?

The only downfall for me with this shirt, is the fact that Peter Alexander usually makes WAY cuter pjs rather than bland grey with black text.

Where do you sit?

Are you offended at ‘boys will be boys’?